What my clients have to say about me
Marie "I sought out Nancy’s services immediately following major hip surgery. I had previously worked with Nancy and knew her calm and grounded presence would offer my body further healing through her energy work, specifically Reiki. Nancy made me feel centered as well and ready to receive. Her authentic, gentle and kind demeanor created the peace and tranquility my mind, body and soul was seeking. She listened intently and with focused clarity delivered a grounding experience. I highly recommend Nancy not only because of her superior social work skills but her maturity and humbleness when uncovering deeper truths and understanding of the mind, body and spirit. She delivers her message succinctly, allowing greater healing to take place.
"The VGB and Nancy Dock have changed my life.
I've struggled with weight issues most of my life, trying every diet out there. I would loose some weight, feel confident , and after a while get lazy and go right back to my old eating patterns gaining the weight back plus some.
I had my doubts about being able to be hypnotized but after the first session I went home, prepared our normal dinner and ate about 1/4 of what was on my plate. I was so excited I shouted to my husband "Nancy did it - it's working!"
My relationship with food has completely changed. Nancy got to the root which was a subconscious issue from childhood. Now by listening to a self hypnosis CD twice a day I am able to handle all eating situations. In addition, I find there is something inside me that makes me want to get outside and walk which is my preferred form of exercise.
We are very active socially, travel a great deal and find ourselves eating out a lot. Instead of feeling guilty about everything I put in my mouth, I just eat and my VGB tells me when to stop. My food choices and tastes are different now. I was a sugar lover and find I'm not tempted as before. I eat three small meals a day--a miracle for me. My old pattern would have me thinking about the next thing I could eat before I finished whatever I was eating. I don't feel deprived. Now I enjoy each mouthful and eat slowly and happily.
The steady weight loss is apparent not only to me but also to my friends. I began losing pounds and inches immediately and am continuing to see weekly improvement. For the first time in 64 years of life I love my own body!
Energy Therapy
Nancy is remarkable in the healing arts. Nancy's knowledge is deep and she is willing to work together to design a course of healing that fits each individual. Her skills in restorative therapies have been very helpful to me, and I would highly recommend her to my friends and peers.
"The VGB and Nancy Dock have changed my life.
I've struggled with weight issues most of my life, trying every diet out there. I would loose some weight, feel confident , and after a while get lazy and go right back to my old eating patterns gaining the weight back plus some.
I had my doubts about being able to be hypnotized but after the first session I went home, prepared our normal dinner and ate about 1/4 of what was on my plate. I was so excited I shouted to my husband "Nancy did it - it's working!"
My relationship with food has completely changed. Nancy got to the root which was a subconscious issue from childhood. Now by listening to a self hypnosis CD twice a day I am able to handle all eating situations. In addition, I find there is something inside me that makes me want to get outside and walk which is my preferred form of exercise.
We are very active socially, travel a great deal and find ourselves eating out a lot. Instead of feeling guilty about everything I put in my mouth, I just eat and my VGB tells me when to stop. My food choices and tastes are different now. I was a sugar lover and find I'm not tempted as before. I eat three small meals a day--a miracle for me. My old pattern would have me thinking about the next thing I could eat before I finished whatever I was eating. I don't feel deprived. Now I enjoy each mouthful and eat slowly and happily.
The steady weight loss is apparent not only to me but also to my friends. I began losing pounds and inches immediately and am continuing to see weekly improvement. For the first time in 64 years of life I love my own body!
Energy Therapy
Nancy is remarkable in the healing arts. Nancy's knowledge is deep and she is willing to work together to design a course of healing that fits each individual. Her skills in restorative therapies have been very helpful to me, and I would highly recommend her to my friends and peers.